1:1 Coaching Program

Work-Life Harmony Coaching Program

A 6-month coaching program based on dedicated one-on-one time, creating your plan based on self-experimentation, to live a life where you can feel you have it all.

First of all, instead of calling Work-life Balance, you will be calling Work-Life Harmony, accepting the imperfectly perfect balance of the areas of your life and helping you make decisions holistically to drive the life you want.

This program is dedicated to you, rethink what you want instead of what you should have.

You have one life, it's time to stop feeling you are one person at work and another at home. This will suck your energy. It is time to blend in one beautiful life, finding the internal peace to feel fulfilled.

Very often, you may feel the fear of being fired or frustrated you are not promoted. Or you are feeling like the awful parent who can't go to the soccer games or be present at the school picnics.

You are in a rush all the time, stressed, bored, and the only thing you can think about is the vacation you are planning for the family next year.

It's time to rethink and have the courage to look after what is missing and not blame work or the time you don't have.

Click the following button and book a call to know more this program can work for you.

Book a Call here


01 Accept there is NO Work-Life Balance

The first part of the PROGRAM you will learn how to frame your mindset to accept there is No Work-Life Balance, so you can be curious on designing your own life. Here you will start by doing the Dream Test so you can assess what is your baseline on following your dreams.

02 Define your Work Life Harmony

The second part of the PROGRAM is about what Work-Life Harmony can look like for you, learning how a Time Audit tool to help visualize the first draft of your ideal life design.


You will learn how to set your foundation to build your Work-Life Harmony, by choosing your own habits and tools to regulate yourself. This will enable you to build the confidence of your decisions by prioritizing yourself.

04 Find Your Passion

There is no vibrant life without the feeling of a bright future. Finding something you are looking for everyday, being present and fired up, is what everybody wants. But only a few live intentionally their passions. Visualize and live your Dreams.

05 Find Your Peace

FYP (Find Your Peace) is the name of the plan for lasting change.

It is about having identified triggers to keep you on track. Like building your boundaries, revisit your systems beliefs or simply saying NO to a meeting on Friday at 5 pm.

Book Here Consultation Call

What You Can Expect

This is about you and your transformation. So it will be customized to your own journey.

  • 6 months of coaching
  • Weekly coaching calls of 60 min, via Zoom or in person (if you are in NY or NJ)
  • Unlimited daily communication (via text or email)
  • Power Hour


Yes, let's GO!

This program is customized to you, to your own needs. To help to guide you within your journey, the program Work-Life Harmony in 90 days has a framework following a 5 Step Model.

"Never get busy making a living that you forget making a life. " - Maria delBaccio

"The key is not to prioritize what is on your schedule but to schedule your priorities" - Stephen Convey.

A bit of inspiration to make you believe the world is a place of possibilities, and you have ONE life to decide what to do.

Let's GO!! Are you ready?

Meet AnnaJo.

Hi there!! I am Ana Jorge, but call me Coach AnnaJo, I am a life coach with over 18 years of international corporate experience, I lived in four different countries in Europe before I moved to the United States eight years ago.
In 2019, I made a transformative decision to become a life coach and developed the 'Work-Life Harmony' program, designed to empower women to live life on their terms. As the mother of two children, a 17-year-old son and a 6-year-old daughter, I bring a dynamic and a very high energy approach to my coaching. I focus on practical strategies for managing both career ambitions and family life, drawing from my own experiences. I champion the shift from overwhelm to empowerment, by challenging you finding your Disruptor. Are you intrigued by this approach? Reach out to learn more about what "Work-Life Harmony" can do for you.

"Either you run the day or the day runs you" by Jim Rohn

It's time to own your life, not waiting for the next vacation, the next promotion, the time when your kids go to college, or your retirement.

Give yourself permission to LIVE LIFE IN HARMONY.

Invest in yourself for 90 days to magnify your future.